Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Go Gently Into That Good Night

Growing up my family had a dog. It was neither cutest dog, nor the best behaved, but nonetheless, we loved her. We called her Suzie and she was with us for over ten years. When Suzie got too old we put her to sleep. Hers was a death with dignity. Her loved ones were all able to say goodbye and watch her fall into a peaceful death that looked like a nap.
Growing up my family had a grandmother. She was the best sort of Grandmother: the sort who spent a lot time totally focused on her grandchildren. The sort of Grandmother who baked cookies, scratched feet and took us to Disneyland. We called her Gangy and she was part of my life for twenty years. Before she got too old, she got sick. Gangy got very sick and died a terrible, painful, death. Hers was a death completely lacking in dignity. Her loved ones were all able to see clearly her pain, her suffering and her slowing falling into a fitful half death before at long last succumbing to the peaceful death that we attain in the end.
Is euthanasia an acceptable alternative to the sort of death my grandmother suffered? I believe it is--under strictly controlled conditions. I believe that a person dying of a terminal disease or an individual in chronic pain has the right to decide when and how their demise should occur.
Some would argue that allowing euthanasia is a slippery slope to the day that the lives of the sick, the old and the disabled will be seen only through the lens of cost efficiency and convenience. Doctors will decide to euthanize based upon their own biases rather than on the wishes of the patient. A shrinking healthcare budget and an aging population will mean that physicians are forced to decide which patients are worth treating and which are not. Citing Robert Latimer, advocates for the rights of the disabled claim that disabled people everywhere will be rampantly murdered at their parents mere convenience.
These very arguments against euthanasia speak loudest in its favor. If the reasons for not providing something at all are that it will run rampant once we allow a crack in the door, then the answer is not simply to close that door forever, but rather to open it in a controlled environment that allows informed, intelligent and humane euthanasia to be provided to terminally ill patients who request it. Checks and balances can be imposed, such as the permission of two doctors, the patient and a relative, required absolutely every time. With an appropriate structure of procedures and policies in place, we can live an enlightened life at the same time as practicing responsibility and respect for human life.
Rather than an argument in favor of keeping euthanasia illegal, I believe these arguments to speak loudly of the need for strict regulation and procedure of euthanasia to ensure that patients who want a death with dignity are given that right, while those who do not want such a death are safe from being involuntarily euthanized. Euthanasia must never be allowed in a case where the patient is against being euthanized. For Tracy Latimer we will never know how she felt about the matter, but because she could not tell us we must assume that the desire to live was still strong.
However, in the case of the terminally ill patient who has only
pain and decline left before him or her, there should be a choice. A choice between a potentially painful natural death and a "gentle death" that is medically induced. We have no qualms about prolonging the suffering of a dying individual through medical means such as ventilators or feeding tubes, but medical intervention to help an individual "go gently into that good night" is not tolerated.
Ask yourself. How would you want to die?

Environmental Economics

Scary stories abound in environmental circles. For instance, did you know apparently the hormones in birth control pills entering the water cycle through human urine are modifying the mating abilities of fish? Or that genetically modified canola plants that have been altered to avoid being killed by pesticides are proving immortal, and threaten to choke out all other crops on the prairies? Have you considered mad cow disease as the ultimate argument for vegetarianism? After all, if all cows were vegetarian, they would never have contracted this dread disease in the first place. If all humans were vegetarian they would be permanently and absolutely protected from it.
Even if these horror stories are exaggerated, which they likely are, the fact remains that this Earth is being damaged by human beings. You can see the evidence for yourself on any clear day in Vancouver. Head over the Arthur Laing or Alex Fraser bridges for a view to the East that will cause you to choke just by looking at it. Try going fishing to one of the lakes in the interior of British Columbia: a mere thirty years ago they were teaming with healthy fish, today you are lucky to catch one.
However, money holds all the cards in our world. Despite evidence to the contrary, governments refuse to give incentives for non-polluting industries, or disincentives to polluters. Governments refuse to sign agreements such as the Kyoto accord which would at least monitor the amounts of emissions. If we accept the fact that the Earth is really all we have, and without it human beings become as extinct as the dinosaurs, surely wisdom must suggest working hard to try and maintain the planet’s liveability.
Can you envision a world where financial gain is not the ultimate goal? A world where ecological gain becomes the pre-eminent goal of all people? Perhaps the only way to achieve such a pipe dream is to equate ecological gain with profits and ecological damage with losses. The particulars would need to be worked out, however the necessity is resolute.
In the spirit of self-preservation, we would be wise to assume that wilderness is important in and of itself, just in case it is. In the possibility that wilderness does have intrinsic value, we humans would be best to treat it, and preserve it, so that it is there for seven future generations, as was the belief among Native American populations. Native viewpoints from time immemorial have imbued humans with the responsibility to maintain the balance and health of the natural world as a solemn spiritual duty that an individual must perform daily—not simply as admirable, abstract, ethical imperatives that can be ignored as one chooses. This spiritual duty is present because Native Americans believe that the spirit of life exists in all of nature, not just in human beings.
As we have proven over the past century, even when clear evidence exists about damage to the earth and the depletion of non-renewable resources, we continue to damage the earth in some sort of naïve hope that the earth will take care of itself. As Rachel Carson suggests in Silent Spring, given centuries, the earth probably could adapt; given the rapid pace of technological advances producing new and more harmful chemicals and technologies, the earth has no hope of keeping up.
Whether or not it can be proven, or merely just believed as I do, that wilderness has it’s own intrinsic value,
humans would be wise to adopt an ecological ethic that protects wilderness from human devastation so that the
earth remains a place that sustains life in all of its various and glorious forms.